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Results of the Surveys

Every school had carried out a survey among their co-students to find out the results about the usage of drugs alcohol and tobacco. The questionnaires included more than ten questions connected with addictions and gave an interesting overview of the standpoints of the respondents. The students had made conclusions due to the gathered answers and the results pointed out a lot of similarities but also some great differences between the countries. Here are the presentations of the countries: 1. SWEDEN The Swedish results were presented by Erik Hägglund and Maja Flink
2. LATViA The Latvian results were presented by Ieva Igaune and Sintija Backane
3. ICELAND The Icelandic results were presented by Birta Ósk Laursen Óladóttir and Rakel Ýr Jakobsdóttir
4. NORWAY The Norwegian results were presented by Camilla Løvold and Ann - Helen Stømsnes
5. FINLAND The Finnish reslults were presented by Veera Kaarre and Eveliina Pulkkanen
6. ESTONIA The Estonian results were presented by Laura Liivak and Andra-Johanna Liba

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